So I decided at midday when my Eldest Daughter and BF arrived as it was a dry day my time would better spent clearing the garden for the Solar powerd shed.
12:30 - 6pm Pictures of 50% 12' x 12' finished Solar powerd shed area 1 ton of gravel used. Special thanks to my eldest daughter and her boyfriend who helped us clear the 24' x 12' area on Sunday and Midges Daughters BF who chain sawed the 4' diameter Pampas grass flat last week.
Hard disk recovery from back up has just finished.
So I am a little behind schedule. with RepStrap Mendel... Thank goodness I had made a back up of Drive C: D: & E: !!!.
Bad luck, but glad its not been too catastropic!
Im really inspired by your work, thank you. I havent done anything with CopperRap since Summer but Ive been given another couple of colour lasers (two NEMA 17s and two NEMA 23s) so I may have another go soon. I bought stepper boards etc for Gen 1 electronics so Im going to go with that. Two weeks break coming up, so who knows...
Im trying to get Repstrap Mendel done ASAP to play with in the evenings.
As it has a much smaller visual impact/ footprint than Repstrap Darwins or other repstraps Ive built.
Once the Solar Powered shed is built I will not have space or visual restrictions on my projects.
I have Gen2 and Gen3 stepper controllers the only advantage of Gen 3 is their footprint and not needing additional cooling.
A mate of mine had his work pc hard drive disintegrate its platters beyond recovery, and he had no backups.
I myself have so much stuff I can no longer back it up to dvd.
look forward to seeing your Mendel
We use a 1Tb Ice box IB-NAS4220-B raid array.
With extra fans fitted. I would not recomend it though. Acording to the forums there are plenty of people who have had brand new Hard drives fail due to its heat controll problems.
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