The last September "Midge Ace Art studio open day" completed back to reprapping again..!
These were the Next Jobs:-
Get Pid or Bang Bang Extruder temprature control part working. Done
Get Pid or Bang Bang Build Base temprature control part working. Done
Make the drawings for Worm drive Extruder stepper. Done (but took longer than expected!!)
.... drawings stepped up from Extruder MK3 to now Extruder Mk5 seems to be working very well so far.
I was able to hot swap ABS filament
Make full size Mendel heated Bed with removable print surface as per WIKI . Done
Changes made to Mendel heated Bed 4mm Aluminum, extrude slot drilled out with 32mm drill, 6mm MDF insulation layer, Kapton tape electrical insulation layer nichrome wire heater element as used on my Huxley Fire glass heated bed in February.
Next Jobs
Firmware experiments to find best firmware combination/setup for RepSnapper to use with a single Arduino CPU configuration.
Then commit/post the final firmware as used on Bodgeits Git Hub repository.
Add pin config data and cct of FET drivers.
Make three more MK5 Worm drive Extruder steppers.
Re-build Repstrap Huxley1 adding precision ground slide bars with linear bearings.
eSun Triangle Print Success!
I re-ran the print of the triangles, this time with a base size of 300μm
and eSun Standard Resin. The resin reservoir was a little further away, so
this ...
3 days ago