With power connected to the Home Office. Im just waiting for this time next week to have the phone and internet connection connected so we can officaly move in.
So I have been gradualy catching up on whats been going on in the forums and on the fantastic Reprap aggregation pipe.
I saw this post from ReplicatorG I was completely impresed with the idea of its one stop shop approch with a single instaltaion of the the Software. How neat .. and it looks realy nice..
So I have downloaded it maybe three or four times as it has been revised from the original version through to version -R2. Now I'm by no means a Java Guru of any kind I'm just an every day generic user of applications using it. Applications like:-
The arduino-0012~arduino-0018, Python Open Office all run ok on my machine out of the Box so to speak.
But ReplicatorG would not until I recreated a start up batch file as was once used to sort out the environment variables with the start ReplicatorG batch file hey presto ReplicatorG now starts but fails when you try to run Skein forge as it won't recognize python! Grrrrr oh well got bored trying to figure out what the new environment variable problem is. I will have to come back to it later
Maus Printable STLs
As promised, printable STLs for the Maus axis, table, and probe stuff. Full
source on github. More bits in the works.
Off to Everything Open to do speake...
5 days ago
Bodgeit, you should try out repsnapper too, http://reprap.org/wiki/RepSnapper_Manual:Installation
There's a beta for 0018 out:
It includes a new, smarter launcher for Windows, and the ability to explicitly set your Python path in the preferences. Give it a whirl and drop me a line at bugs@makerbot.com if you still have any problems!
Sorry for the delay in getting back to you we have been busy preparing to move house so not done too much.
Thank you Giles I will be trying out Repsnapper as well. I have been reading your blog with interest quite regularly.
Thank you doctoroctalpus the beta18 has just downloaded so I will be trying it out shortly.
I was at a lose end a week or two ago & having moved all the Reprap machines to the new workshop.
So I scratch built a Cupcake Makerbot for my collection of 3D printers. I need to find a stepper motor short enough to fit inside the x carriage before I can try it out thou. ;-(
Its true I am Definitely addicted to building 3D printing machines.
Fab at home next maybe.. Or some kind of powder printer ~ laser sintering looks like another interesting project to.
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