Not much to blog on Rep-rapping for quite some time.... I've had a few more PSVT attacks (4 this year) my last attack gave me my first trip with blue lights & siren in ambulace followed by some panic in resus.
After 3 lots of this stuff where they thought It was a lot worse than it was. So with my Beat blocker dose now trebled I qualify for a fix... Waiting for a consultation with the RF power enginner (consultant) for the lets burn out the extra wire in your heart with a bit of RF fix.
Any way back to Rep Rapping this will be the new home for Mendel, Darwin, two micro Mendels & Bodgeit to RepRap from with 3m high rafters to hang the plastic supply baskets from it should be fun.
The plans
The Rep-Raping half is the West half the East half is the Artists studio for Midge.
What it looks like now
Maus Printable STLs
As promised, printable STLs for the Maus axis, table, and probe stuff. Full
source on github. More bits in the works.
Off to Everything Open to do speake...
5 days ago